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Where to Buy Trekking Equipment – Nepal or at Home?

Going trekking in Nepal? Don’t know where to buy the equipment, in Nepal or at home? Let’s give you our 5 cents on where to buy the equipment.

When going trekking in Nepal your equipment should obviously be of high enough standard to carry out the trek in safe and comfortable way. This implies bringing clothes and gear that can keep you warm, dry, and shielded from any strong winds. The internet currently has lots of content about what equipment to bring when going trekking in Nepal. This article therefore focuses on where to buy your trekking equipment – Nepal, or elsewhere?

Coming from a Western country it is no problem buying 100% suitable and professional gear for trekking in Nepal. The quality will be high and as a customer you will normally be able to choose from a variety of different brands, picking exactly the equipment that fits your personal image and preference. The downside, however, is that the equipment is likely to be expensive, irrespective of what Western country you’re from, at least compared with Nepal.

Let’s get it out there – Nepal is a great place to buy your trekking equipment. The country has exorbitantly many trekking equipment brands, high-end and expensive, as well as low-end and cheap. No matter what kind of equipment quality you are looking for you’ll therefore be able to find it in Nepal, often at reasonable prices. There are many reasons as to why Nepal is a mekka for trekking equipment, some of them being:

Summing up, a couple of great reasons for buying your trekking equipment in Nepal is thus abundance of supply and good prices. Another great reason is that when arriving in Nepal and speaking with the local trekking experts they’ll be able to advise you on exactly what you need – nothing more, nothing less.

Tours in nepal