National Parks in Iceland: Everything You Need to Know

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Thingvellir National Park in Iceland has something for every traveller type
A jaw-dropping view in Thingvellir National Park
Thingvellir National park in Iceland has something to offer to everyone
The Thingvellir valley makes for a sight to behold when on a journey through the park

Thingvellir National Park is one of Iceland's most historically and geologically significant sites. The park served as the site of Althing (Iceland's parliament), where between 930 and 1798, representatives of the various Icelandic clans met face-to-face to settle disputes and maintain the balance of power between various chieftains. Established in 1930 to commemorate the 1,000th anniversary of the Althing, it was designated a Unesco World Heritage Site in 2004. Thingvellir is renowned for its unique combination of cultural, historical, and natural features.


  • Take a walk through a rift valley that will have the North American tectonic plate on one side of you and the Eurasian plate on the other side.
  • Explore the largest lake in Iceland, Lake Thingvallavatn, which presents a beautiful underwater landscape that serves as a habitat for 50 invertebrates and 150 types of plants.
  • Hike along the Almannagjá Gorge Trail for spectacular views of the Rift Valley and historical sites.
  • Fish in Lake Thingvallavatn is known for its clear waters and healthy populations of Arctic char and brown trout.
  • Go horseback riding on trails such as the Skógarkot Route, which provides a unique way to explore the park’s landscapes and geological features.
  • Snorkel in the Silfra fissure, one of the top dive sites in the world, which features two different tectonic plates.
  • Visit Öxarárfoss waterfall, a spectacular cascade falling over the continental rift.

Things to Know:

  • If you are planning to go scuba diving or snorkeling, you must have a dry suit certificate or a minimum of 10 registered drysuit dives within the last two-year period; documentation will be required if you wish to dive.
  • The parking service in Thingvellir isn’t free, ranging from 400 ISK (2.86 USD) to 3800 ISK (27.20 USD), depending on the category your vehicle falls under. For more details, check the official site of Thingviller.

Thingvellir National Park Facts:

  • Size: 127 km²
  • Elevation: 100 meters
  • Common animal sightings: Fifty-two different species of bird live near the lake, including the great northern diver; fox and mink may also occasionally appear along the lakeshore.
    Nearby attractions: As one of the three main stops on “The Golden Circle” tour, this is a fascinating destination; the other two stops are the Gullfoss Waterfall and Haukadalur, where visitors can view the Strokkur geyser, which erupts with regularity as many as 12 times per hour.

Insider tip: When heading to Silfra for snorkeling, consider driving past the main snorkel tour van parking area to the P5 parking lot. Located a bit further down the road and closer to the heart of Thingvellir, P5 offers more convenient access with picnic tables and restrooms nearby.

Tours in Thingvellir National Park


Snaefellsjokull National Park is located in the Snaefellsnes peninsula
Snow-capped peaks and lush greenery, Snaefellsnes has so much to offer

Often referred to as “Iceland in miniature,” the western peninsula where Snæfellsjökull National Park is located offers a truly breathtaking diversity of landscapes. This is the only national park in Iceland that stretches to the seashore, giving you a view of the land, sea, lava rock, and ice in an awe-inspiring landscape.


  • Birdwatchers will find an abundance of birds along the coast and in the park's lowland regions.
  • The Snæfellsjökull glacier is the crown jewel of the Snæfellsnes Peninsula and is revered as a spiritual energy center of the earth. The glacier offers a majestic view of diverse landscapes.
  • Take an hour-long tour into the depths of Vatnshellir Lava Cave, and you will begin to wonder if you have walked onto the pages of a Jules Verne novel.
  • Explore the black pebble beaches and sea stacks along the Snæfellsnes peninsula coast.
  • Hike up to the summit of the 700,000-year-old Snæfellsjökull volcano for panoramic views across the national park.

Things to Know:      

  • Most cave tours in Iceland are only available during the summer months, but just the same, be sure to dress warmly for the tour, as the temperatures can be as low as 6°C.
  • Watch out for crevasses when hiking in the area.
  • Bathroom facilities are not available at all locations, so be prepared.

Snæfellsjökull National Park Facts:

  • Size: 170 km²
  • Elevation: 1,446 meters
  • Common animal sightings: Fox, mink, and mice are common land mammals that can be spotted in the park, but if you walk along the coast, you may be rewarded with a sight of either common or gray seals and possibly even a killer whale, minke whale, and porpoise. If you’re an avid birder, you may encounter a white wagtail, ringed plover, purple sandpiper, and ptarmigan, among other birds.

Insider tip: Opt for a self-drive tour to Snæfellsjökull National Park to enjoy the rare experience of driving under a lake through the Hvalfjörður tunnel.

Tours in Snaefellsnes Peninsula


Vatnajökull National Park is one of the national parks in Iceland
A Glacier lagoon in Vatnajökull National Park

Vatnajökull National Park is the largest national park in Iceland and one of the largest in Europe, covering around 14% of Iceland's total land area. Established in 2008, it features five former independent conservation areas, namely, Skaftafell National Park, Jökulsárgljúfur National Park, Lónsöræfi Nature Reserve, Krepputunga Nature Reserve, and Jökulsárgljúfur Canyon. It is also home to the Vatnajökull glacier, which is the largest ice cap in Iceland and one of the largest glaciers in Europe.


  • Behold the sight of Hvannadalshnjúkur, Iceland's highest mountain peak.
  • Witness Dettifoss, the most powerful waterfall that thunders down 45 meters and stretches 100 meters across.
  • Charter a private boat to sightsee the Fjallsarlon Glacier Lagoon.
  • Explore the vast black sand deserts and glacial outwash plains of Lónsöræfi Nature Reserve.
  • Hike through the otherworldly desert landscapes of Krepputunga Nature Reserve, with its sand dunes and erosional features.
  • Go on ranger-led educational hikes to learn about the unique geology, flora, and fauna of the park.

Things to Know: 

  • Due to longer daylight hours and warmer temperatures, some ice caves in the region are more dangerous at certain times of year. Precautions must be taken to ensure safety when visiting those ice caves.
  • Due to the vast network of hiking trails, the remoteness of some locations, and the general ruggedness of the terrain and weather, trails can be treacherous. So hike with caution.

Vatnajökull National Park Facts:

  • Size: 13,920 km²
  • Elevation: 2,109.6 meters at its highest peak.


Skaftafell National Park was established in 1967 and covered an area around the glacier Skaftafellsjökull in southeast Iceland. It was joined with Jökulsárgljúfur National Park and is today part of Vatnajökull National Park. While there are no roads within this area, a series of hiking trails of various lengths and difficulty levels give visitors access to some of Iceland's most beautiful landscapes.


  • Partake in ranger-led hikes that come with educational commentary about the region.
  • Soar above for aerial views by chartering a flight from Atlantsflug.
  • Marvel at the Svartifoss Waterfall, witnessing water cascading over striking black columnar basalt formations.
  • Behold the breathtaking Skaftafellsjökull glacier.
  • Explore the lush oasis of Bæjarstaðarskógur, one of the few forests found in this region.
  • Challenge yourself on the strenuous but rewarding hike to Kristínartindar mountain peaks.

Things to Know:

  • While campsites are readily available, the gravelly ground may make it difficult to drive in your tent pegs.
  • Large portions of the park are accessible only by foot.

Skaftafell National Park Facts:

  • Size: 4,807 km²
  • Elevation: 2,109 meters
  • Common animal sightings: Arctic foxes and numerous bird species are seen in this area.
  • Nearby attractions: Visit the wood and turf church of Hof for a picturesque treat. Kirkjubæjarklaustur, Svínafell, and Kálfafell are other notable attractions close to the area.


Iceland Jökulsárgljúfur National Park
The Dettifoss waterfall thunders down in Jökulsárgljúfur National Park

In the far northern reaches of Vatnajökull National Park runs the river Jökulsá á Fjöllum. Fed by the melt of the Vatnajökull glacier, this river was the centerpiece of the previous Jökulsárgljúfur National Park. The area is known for its dramatic landscape, featuring rocky desert scenes with the glacial river carving its way through layers of hardened volcanic ash and rock.


  • Witness the awe-inspiring Jökulsárgljúfur Canyon, one of Iceland's grandest river canyons.
  • Along the hiking trails, marvel at the majestic waterfalls, including Selfoss, Dettifoss, Hafragilsfoss, and Réttarfoss.
  • Choose from several trails catering to hikers of varying experience levels, each offering picturesque vistas.
  • Embark on a rafting adventure along the glacial Jökulsá á Fjöllum River.
  • Camp under the midnight sun or the dancing Northern Lights (depending on the season).

Things to Know:

  • Some of the hiking trails are too difficult for inexperienced hikers, so choose your path wisely.
  • Do not go close to the rim of the canyon near waterfalls in the winter; the mist can freeze, making the edges very slippery.
  • The closest restaurant of any kind other than a snack bar is the N1 gas station on Route 85. You had better pack a lunch to take with you before you go hiking.

Jökulsárgljúfur National Park Facts:

  • Size: 153 km²
  • Elevation: 2,109 meters
  • Common animal sightings: Birds are abundant in these beautiful canyons, including wrens, snipes, redwings, plovers, meadow pulpits, falcons, ravens, and more.

Insider tip: For a serene sunrise, visit the ice cave beneath Vatnajökull Glacier near Jökulsárlón between November and March. Arrive by 6 am to see the light refract through the blue ice.

Note: The best time to visit the national parks in Iceland is from June to September since the campgrounds are open. This is also the best time to visit Iceland in general.

The national parks of Iceland are eclectic and majestic, rugged and delicate, And in all their beauty and boldness, they call out to the intrepid souls and say, “Come and see!” If you answer the call, you will not be disappointed, so lace up your boots, load up your knapsack, and get ready to hit the trail because there are plenty of things to do in Iceland.

Apart from national parks, you can opt to visit the incredible ice caves, explore the magnificent geysers, go on an extensive hike in the scenery, or take a refreshing dip in the hot springs.

To plan your visit to Iceland from scratch, fill out our customized Iceland trips form. For more information, check out our Iceland travel guide.

Iceland Tours
Published by Marie Storm, updated on June 27, 2024

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