Norway Tours and Trips 2024/2025

Norway is a gorgeous Scandinavian country with sprawling mountain ranges, beautiful glaciers and diverse wildlife. It’s a nature lover’s paradise! Tromso in the north offers spectacular views of the Northern Lights - or if you’re feeling particularly adventurous you can visit the archipelago of Svalbard near the North Pole! Of course, a walking tour of Oslo is essential for getting to know Norwegian culture.

Check out our best tours to Norway below.

Showing 81 Trips in Norway with 85 Reviews

Create your custom-made trip to NorwayTraveling to Norway? Chat with a local travel specialist in Norway who can help organize your trip.
  • Tamara Kukovalsky
    Tamara KukovalskyTravel Expert in Norway and Sweden
  • Emma Vestrheim
    Emma VestrheimTravel Expert in Finland and Norway
Our travel experts are recommended by:
  • BBC
  • Independent
  • Lonely Planet

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