Reykjavik Polar Expeditions and Cruise Trips 2024/2025

Polar expeditions and cruise trips to Reykjavik. Looking for a Reykjavik Polar expeditions and cruise tour? We offer 15+ polar expeditions and cruise tours in Reykjavik backed by many reviews and offering discounts up to 30%. All our trips are offered by expert trip designers and Reykjavik destination experts, with trip durations ranging from 8 to 18 days.

Showing 18 Trips in Reykjavik

Three Arctic Islands (Southbound)

Three Arctic Islands (Southbound)

"This was a marvellous trip and a great way of seeing two wonderful areas of the Arctic. In Spitsbergen we"
USD 15,531
Three Arctic Islands: Iceland, Greenland, Spitsbergen

Three Arctic Islands: Iceland, Greenland, Spitsbergen

15 days cruise tour through Oslo, Reykjavik, Longyearbyen, and 4 other destinations in 4 different countries.
USD 17,196
Four Arctic Islands: Spitsbergen, Jan Mayen, Greenland & Iceland

Four Arctic Islands: Spitsbergen, Jan Mayen, Greenland & Iceland

18 days polar expeditions and cruise trip to Oslo and Reykjavik traveling through Norway and Iceland.
USD 8,671
Four Arctic Islands: Spitsbergen, Jan Mayen, Greenland and Iceland

Four Arctic Islands: Spitsbergen, Jan Mayen, Greenland and Iceland

18 days cruise tour through Oslo, Reykjavik, Greenland Sea, and 2 other destinations in 4 different countries.
USD 12,596
East Greenland and Iceland Northern Lights

East Greenland and Iceland Northern Lights

12 days polar expeditions and cruise trip to Reykjavik, Greenland Sea, and 3 other destinations in Iceland, Greenland, and Arctic.
USD 11,995
Under the Northern Lights: Exploring Iceland & East Greenland

Under the Northern Lights: Exploring Iceland & East Greenland

12 days cruise tour to Reykjavik and Northeast Greenland National Park traveling through Iceland and Greenland.
USD 8,396
Spitsbergen, East Greenland and Iceland - Southbound

Spitsbergen, East Greenland and Iceland - Southbound

15 days polar expeditions and cruise tour to Oslo, Reykjavik, and 2 other destinations in Norway, Iceland, and Greenland.
USD 17,390
Three Arctic Islands (Northbound)

Three Arctic Islands (Northbound)

15 days polar expeditions and cruise tour to Reykjavik and Longyearbyen traveling through Iceland and Norway.
USD 8,251
Wild Fjords of South Greenland: Land of the Vikings

Wild Fjords of South Greenland: Land of the Vikings

13 days polar expeditions and cruise tour to Toronto and Reykjavik traveling through Canada and Iceland.
USD 10,790
Ultimate Arctic Voyage: From Svalbard to Jan Mayen to Iceland

Ultimate Arctic Voyage: From Svalbard to Jan Mayen to Iceland

13 days polar expeditions and cruise trip to Reykjavik and Helsinki traveling through Iceland and Finland.
USD 11,690
Adventures in Northeast Greenland: Glaciers, Fjords and the Northern Lights

Adventures in Northeast Greenland: Glaciers, Fjords and the Northern Lights

11 days polar expeditions and cruise tour visiting Reykjavik in Iceland.
USD 10,795
Greenland Explorer: Sail and Soar the Alpine Arctic

Greenland Explorer: Sail and Soar the Alpine Arctic

11 days polar expeditions and cruise trip visiting Reykjavik in Iceland.
USD 7,091
Gems of West Greenland: Fjords, Icebergs & Culture

Gems of West Greenland: Fjords, Icebergs & Culture

12 days polar expeditions and cruise tour to Toronto and Reykjavik traveling through Canada and Iceland.
USD 8,921
West Greenland Gems: Fjords, Icebergs, and Culture

West Greenland Gems: Fjords, Icebergs, and Culture

12 days polar expeditions and cruise tour visiting Reykjavik in Iceland.
USD 12,390
Showing 1 - 14 of 18 results

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