Showing 8 Trips in Kazakhstan with 13 Reviews

Mountain Biking Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan

Mountain Biking Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan

13 days mountain biking tour visiting Almaty and Karkara in Kazakhstan.
USD 3,150
The Five Stans of the Silk Road

The Five Stans of the Silk Road

"This was a trip full of variety and dramatic scenery, from the surreal Ashgabat, the amazing Darvaza crater, the beautiful"
USD 7,725
Kazakhstan Adventure

Kazakhstan Adventure

10 days city sightseeing trip to Bishkek and Almaty traveling through Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.
USD 2,763
Highlights of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan

Highlights of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan

9 days city sightseeing tour to Bishkek and Almaty traveling through Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.
USD 1,349
Astana to Tashkent

Astana to Tashkent

26 days adventure tour in Kazakhstan, visiting Astana, Kochkor, and Kok-Bel.
USD 7,325
Kazakhstan to Kyrgyzstan Adventure 12D/11N

Kazakhstan to Kyrgyzstan Adventure 12D/11N

12 days adventure tour to Bishkek and Almaty traveling through Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.
USD 1,748
Ancient Silk Road Cities - The Five Stans

Ancient Silk Road Cities - The Five Stans

23 days adventure tour to Ashgabat and Almaty traveling through Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan.
USD 5,190
Five Golden Stans

Five Golden Stans

30 days sightseeing tour to Tashkent and Almaty traveling through Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.
USD 10,195
Create your custom-made trip to KazakhstanTraveling to Kazakhstan? Chat with a local travel specialist in Kazakhstan who can help organize your trip.
  • Anvar Kodirov
    Anvar KodirovTravel Expert in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
Our travel experts are recommended by:
  • BBC
  • Independent
  • Lonely Planet

Kazakhstan Tour Reviews

4.5 - Excellent
Based on 13 customer reviews
From desert camels to mountain yak
5 - Excellent
  • Anonymous
This was the longest duration trip I’ve ever taken, covering the most ground by road and with some (by my standards) fairly extreme variations of temperature, altitude and landscape. But it was mostly very unusual, often spectacular and totally worth the bumpy ride - take layers, medications and a better camera than I did. The people were also a particular highlight. Jabbar in Turkmenistan was an impossible act to follow, but the local leaders were all very good. The group was a great mix and we bonded over one or two minor glitches and some medicinal vodka. We met the friendliest local people in markets, at the border crossings, on the road. They were very often willing to share my three words of Russian, and to practice their English. It was also very nice to be asked to join them for their photos - probably some of these invitations were from other tourists, but was still great to feel like the exotic extra for a change.
Superb tour through the 'Five Stans of the Silk Road'!
5 - Excellent
  • Anonymous
I can honestly say as a seasoned traveller the 'Five Stans of the Silk Road' tour was one of the best I've been on! In a well-planned and packed 3-week itinerary we got to compare & contrast the highlights of five countries in Central Asia (Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan) each with its own distinct culture, history and approach to life. Exodus provided local guides for each country to ensure we got beneath the surface to learn more about the people. We stayed in a variety of excellent accommodation from plush hotels to lakeside yurts and the food was usually locally sourced, freshly cooked and delicious. An endlessly fascinating and thoroughly recommended for anyone with a sense of adventure and desire to learn about & experience a little-known corner of the world!
Well done Sundowners!
5 - Excellent
  • Jenny Carter
Just back from the Five Golden Stans trip. Great group of travellers and Anya was a fantastic guide. The trip was exciting, challenging, invigorating, educational and culturally different. Would recommend it to anyone who wants to learn about a part of the world which is unknown to Westerners. Be prepared to experience wonderful culture, great food and the friendliest and most hospitable people. Previously, The Persian Caravan was my favorite journey, but the Five Golden Stans may just beat it! Well done, tour operator!

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