Senegal Tours and Holidays 2024/2025

The Western African nation of Senegal is home to a wide range of stunning natural attractions, including its famous salty pink lake, Lake Retba. Head to the capital city of Dakar, where you can hop on a river cruise tour along West Africa. Be sure to visit its incredible House of Slaves, a fascinating museum dedicated to the slave trade.

Showing 2 Trips in Senegal

Senegal and The Gambia

Senegal and The Gambia

"A most enjoyable trip in two very interesting countries. Given the general lack of tourist infrastructure in both countries the"
USD 2,980
Discover Senegal in 7 Days

Discover Senegal in 7 Days

7 days cultural, religious and historic sites tour in Senegal, visiting Dakar, St Louis, and Saly.
USD 2,795
Create your custom-made trip to SenegalTraveling to Senegal? Chat with a local travel specialist in Senegal who can help organize your trip.
    Our travel experts are recommended by:
    • BBC
    • Independent
    • Lonely Planet

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