Sweden Tours and Trips 2024/2025

Sweden takes great pride in its natural beauty so of course there are plenty of trekking tours to enjoy here, including the well-known Padjelanta trail. Head to Norrbottens län, the country’s northernmost county, for incredible views of the Northern Lights. Try not to get lost in Stockholm, which is spread across 14 islands, connected by over 50 bridges!

Showing 45 Trips in Sweden with 40 Reviews

Create your custom-made trip to SwedenTraveling to Sweden? Chat with a local travel specialist in Sweden who can help organize your trip.
  • Tamara Kukovalsky
    Tamara KukovalskyTravel Expert in Norway and Sweden
  • William Gilman
    William GilmanTravel Expert in Sweden
Our travel experts are recommended by:
  • BBC
  • Independent
  • Lonely Planet

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