North America Tours and Trips 2024/2025

The northern half of the Americas is made up of a complex tapestry of 23 independent states that are made up of large land masses and smaller islands. From Ellesmere island, the most northern point of Canada to the famous feat of the Panama Canal and the paradisiacal Caribbean islands, a trip to North America brings together a mass of cultural influences. The European impact is seen heavily throughout, especially within the United States and Canada, while more African and indigenous American influences remain towards the south of the subcontinent.

Showing 833 Trips in North America with 833 Reviews

North America Tour Reviews

4.8 - Excellent
Based on 833 customer reviews
5 - Excellent
  • Jemima
INCREDIBLE trip that went to so many different places and included heaps of memorable experiences - from climbing up ancient temples to swimming in crystal-clear cenotes. Particularly loved our days on idyllic Holbox Island and in Pelanque (the waterfalls were hands-down the most beautiful place I've ever been!). Organisation was five star and the Trip Leader, Mizchel, was very friendly and so knowledgeable about the region. Jonas, our driver, was also great and brilliant at tackling the rural Mexican roads!
Awesome Mexico Trip featuring beautiful beaches, Cenotes, Parties, Culture, Food and sunshine
5 - Excellent
  • Katy McCullagh
Awesome trip, great way to see so much of Mexico in a short space of time. Top moments were the beach at Holbox, swimming in the 7 colours lagoon, experiencing the cenotes, all the guacamole, delicious breakfast recommendations, seeing Xichen Itsa and biking in Tulum. Highly recommend this trip to anyone who wants to party and catch a lot of culture all in one trip. I loved that the group was only 10 people, gave us a chance to meet everyone and there wasn’t a divide in the group nor too many people.
Great road trip in Mexico !
5 - Excellent
  • Anonymous
Was a wonderful trip from Mexico City to Cancun ..we covered lots of ground and experienced happy Mexican hospitality, food, weddings, demonstrations and lots of pyramids and tricky mathematical equations

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