Tours and Trip Packages to Havana in January 2026

Traveling to Havana in January 2026? We offer 10+ tours, trips and vacation packages to Havana in January 2026. Our Havana in January 2026 tour packages and trips have 30+ customer reviews. All the Havana January 2026 tour packages and trips are carried out by hand-picked, qualified local and international Havana tour operators.

Showing 11 Trips in Havana with 34 Reviews

Round Trip: Best Of Local Cuba

Round Trip: Best Of Local Cuba

"This trip was very well planned. We enjoyed the Casa choices, tours, taxis, etc. everything was punctual. There are no"
USD 1,289
Cuba Getaway: Vibrant Culture, Great Beaches & More

Cuba Getaway: Vibrant Culture, Great Beaches & More

"The tour guides and trips were all excellent. I've never met a kinder people who are more than willing to"
USD 560
Cuba Getaway - Havana & beyond in 5 days

Cuba Getaway - Havana & beyond in 5 days

"The accommodations were great. The owner and his family did not live there, but came by each morning to have"
USD 264
Beautiful Cuba
Best Seller

Beautiful Cuba

"This was my first trip with this travel specialist and my first time in Cuba and I had an awesome"
USD 1,449

Instant book available

Locally Cuba

Locally Cuba

"This local travel expert was able to plan a super trip for me and my 9 year old son. We"
USD 947
Discover the West of Cuba

Discover the West of Cuba

7 days city sightseeing tour visiting Havana and Vinales in Cuba.
USD 415
Cycle Cuba: West

Cycle Cuba: West

7 days bicycle tour visiting Havana in Cuba.
USD 1,144
Highlights of Cuba! Havana & Varadero

Highlights of Cuba! Havana & Varadero

7 days city sightseeing trip visiting Havana and Varadero in Cuba.
USD 696
Roundtrip Cuba Local

Roundtrip Cuba Local

"I really enjoyed travelling with this local travel specialist. They are very friendly and honest. THey helped my to choose"
USD 1,940
Best of Cuba

Best of Cuba

15 days cultural, religious and historic sites trip visiting Havana in Cuba.
USD 1,942
Premium Cuba

Premium Cuba

9 days cultural, religious and historic sites trip visiting Havana in Cuba.
USD 2,780

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