India Tours and Trips 2024/2025

Prepare your senses, for an India tour is a true sensory feast. The nation’s sights, sounds and smells can be overpowering at times, but with due time you will fall in love with it. Visit Delhi & Golden Triangle for incredible art and architecture (including the Taj Mahal), Kerala & Tamil Nadu for beaches and adventure tours, or the Indian Himalayas for trekking and climbing.

Showing 402 Trips in India with 1,119 Reviews

Create your custom-made trip to IndiaTraveling to India? Chat with a local travel specialist in India who can help organize your trip.
  • Himanshu Maru
    Himanshu MaruTravel Expert in India
  • Shiv Raj Singh
    Shiv Raj SinghTravel Expert in India and Nepal
  • Karni Rathore
    Karni RathoreTravel Expert in India
Our travel experts are recommended by:
  • BBC
  • Independent
  • Lonely Planet

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