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Colombia Weather in June

Medillin during Sunset in Colombia in June
Relish the panoramic view of Medellin and a captivating sunset from Cerro Pan de Azucar.

June in Colombia is a transitional month when spring paves the way for summer. So, expect dry and warm weather on most days, though there are chances of occasional showers. As stark seasonal differences are absent in the country, the temperature here varies according to altitude and topography. High altitude areas like Bogota see an average high of 19°C, whereas lows dip to around 9°C in June. It is a bit toasty and humid in coastal areas like Cartagena, with an average high of 32°C and a low of 26°C. Medellin still continues with pleasant spring weather, with the daytime temperature rarely exceeding 28°C.

For a seasonal overview, check out our guide on the best time to visit Colombia.

Weather in Colombia in June - Rainfall and Temperatures

Avg Daily (°C)191819181817171718192018
Avg Nightly (°C)971011111110109876
Avg Daily (°F)666466646463636364666864
Avg Nightly (°F)484550525252505048464543
Avg Rainfall (mm)3040509080404040701107050

Why Visit Colombia in March

Squirrel Monkey in Amazon in Colombia in June
A decline in the river level increases the chances for wildlife spotting and exploring the Amazon rainforest.
humpback whale breaching in the waters of Gorgona island, Colombia in June
Thousands of humpback whales migrate from Antarctica to the warmer waters of Colombia's Pacific Coast for breeding.

June marks the beginning of the high tourist season in Colombia. The country returns to its dry state after months of incessant spring showers, making the month an ideal time to pursue all kinds of adventures and activities in Colombia. This aside, a tour to Colombia in June has the following monthly highlights of its tourist attractions:

  • Humpback Whale Migration: Every year, from May to June, thousands of humpback whales migrate from Antarctica to the warmer waters of Colombia's Pacific Coast for breeding. Catch these gentle giants in action as they mate, give birth, and rear their calves in the vast ocean. Several whale-watching trips are available from Bahia Solano in Choco, Nuquí, and Gorgona Island in Cauca.
  • Exploring the Amazon: The water level goes down in the Amazon River around this time, opening access to many remote regions of the Amazon rainforest on the Colombian side. This offers a great opportunity for wildlife spotting. Explore the area by kayaking down the river, or walk in the mysterious rainforest to be dazzled by its flora and fauna.
  • Festivals: San Pedro’s Festival is one of the most important cultural traditions of Neiva that dates back to colonial times. It is celebrated from the 15th of June to the 1st of July. Offering a mix of folklore festivals complemented by parades, music concerts, and a beauty pageant with contestants from all over the country, this festival offers a deeper insight into Colombia's multicultural heritage.

Where to go and what to do

Tayrona national park in Colombia in June
Travelers looking for an ideal combination of warm water, a relaxing beach, and exciting activities can head to Tayrona National Park

June is one of the best and driest times to visit the Andean region. After soaking in the vibrancy of Bogota with its charming history, colorful markets, and electric nightlife, make way for other historical colonial towns like Villa de Leyva and Barichara tucked away in the folds of the Andes.

For the best whale-watching experience, head to Cartagena, in the village of Nuiqui. Cartagena is a tourist magnet in summer, so expect it to be crowded. The best way to escape this is to take a leisurely stroll down one of its quaint alleys absorbing the splendor of its 14th-century Spanish-colonial historic district.

Sunbathers looking for an ideal combination of warm water, a relaxing beach, and exciting activities can make a beeline for the Caribbean coast in the country's north in Tayrona National Park.

Head south to Leticia, a city next to the Amazon River bordering Brazil and Peru, if you are into wildlife and nature. The water level in the Amazon is low during June, allowing you to venture deep inside the rainforest for spotting its flora and fauna.

As spring makes way for summer, you will find June’s weather pleasing no matter where you visit Colombia. Whether you want a tropical Caribbean holiday, an adventure in the Lost City Trek to Ciudad Perdida, or simply soak into the rich culture and history of Colombia, June is one of the best months to experience these things and more.

You can check out our guide on how many days to spend in Colombia to plan an itinerary that best fits your interest, or chat with one of our travel experts to create a customized trip to Colombia. For more information, you can browse through our Colombia tours in June.

Colombia tours in June
Published by Will Cooper, updated on September 9, 2022
Plan a trip to ColombiaWe offer different tour types. You can also chat with a local travel specialist if you want a customized tour to Colombia.
  • Oceane Rortais
    Oceane RortaisTravel Expert in Colombia
  • Alejandro Jacome
    Alejandro JacomeTravel Expert in Ecuador & Colombia
  • Leo Cuesta
    Leo CuestaTravel Expert in Colombia & Philippines
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  • BBC
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